Sabtu, 12 November 2011


Morgan Printing Provides printing services to many different corporate clients. Although  Morgan bids most jobs, some jobs particulary new ones, are often negotiated on a cost plus basis - cost plus mean that the buyer is willing to pay the actual cost plus a return (profit) on these cost of Morgan.
Pamela Smart, controller for Morgan, has recently returned from a meeting where Morgan's President stated that he wanted her to find a way to charge most cost to any project that was on a cost plus basis. The President noted that the Company needed more profit to meet it's stated goals this period. By charging more cost to the cost plus projects and therefore less cost to the job that were bid the Compay should be able to increase it's profit for the current year.
Pamela knew why the President wanted to take this action. Rumors were that he was looking for a new position and if the Company reported strong profits the President's opportunities would be enchanced. Pamela also recognized that she could probably increase the cost of certain jobs by changing the basis used to allocate manufacturing overhead.

  1. Definisikan permasalahan yang terjadi di Perusahaan Morgan Printing tsb !
  2. Menurut Anda, apa yang sebaiknya dilakukan oleh Pamela dalam menghadapi kondisi tsb ?
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